The 13th Annual McGill University / PEOPIL Conference on
International Aviation:
Liability, Insurance & Finance
Les Salons Hoche, 9 Av. Hoche, 75008 Paris
21 – 22 April 2023
10.25 CPD hours
Interested in sponsoring this conference? Please contact our Sponsorship Liaison
Ms. Maria D’Amico
McGill University Institute of Air & Space Law
telephone: +1 514 398 5095/fax: +1 514 398 8197
Please click here for the sponsor opportunities.
Hotel Information:
For a list of hotels in the vicinity of the conference venue, please click here.

Les Salons Hoche
9 Av Hoche
75008 Paris
This event brings together world-leading aviation liability, insurance and finance experts to address, inter alia, the following topics:
- Recent Developments in Aviation Liability
- Air Carrier Passenger Liability and Comparative Jurisprudence Under the Warsaw System and the Montreal Convention of 1999
- Products Liability of Manufacturers of Aircraft, Engines and Component Parts
- Liability of Airports and ANSPs
- Air Cargo Liability
- Governmental Liability for Aviation Accidents and Acts of Terrorism
- Litigation Strategy: Procedural Tools
- Damages: Economic and Non-Economic
- Consumer Protection Regulation and Litigation
- Aircraft Leasing and Finance
- The Challenges of Settlement and Emerging Insurance Issues
- The Impact of Communicable Diseases on the Airline and Hospitality Industries
- Drones – Safety, Security and Liability
- Round Table Discussion on Contemporary Issues in EU Law
In addition, the conference will host two luncheons and a reception/dinner-dance to facilitate networking among attorneys, insurers, air carriers, manufacturers and government representatives.
This is the thirteenth annual McGill/PEOPIL Conference on International Aviation Liability, Insurance & Finance
Prior conferences have been held in:
- Toulouse 2008
- Montreal 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017
- Amsterdam 2010
- London 2012, 2014
- Edinburgh 2016
- Dublin 2018
Thursday 20 April 2023
Arrival Day
Welcoming Reception
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Friday 21 April 2023
Day 1
08:45 – 09:00
Welcoming Remarks

Ana Romero Porro
PEOPIL President, Malaga

Prof. Dr. Donal Hanley
McGill University, Montreal

09:00 – 10:00
Recent Developments in Aviation Liability
- Comparative analysis of recent Warsaw and Montreal Convention jurisprudence
- Recent aviation disaster litigation
- Impact of COVID and other communicable diseases on aviation and related travel industries
- Conflicts between U.S. and European courts
- The challenges of achieving a desirable level of global uniformity
Prof. Emeritus Dr. Paul Stephen Dempsey – McGill University
- Vonnick Le Guillou – DLA Piper, Paris
- Robert Clifford – Clifford Law Firm, Chicago
- Andrew Harakas – Clyde & Co, New York
- David Short – Balfour+Manson, Edinburgh
10:00 – 11:00
Liability of Manufacturers of Aircraft, Engines and Component Parts
- The Boeing MAX litigation
- Assessing the Lion Air and Ethiopian Airlines accidents
- TCAS, autopilot and automation
- Does/should government certification preempt tort claims and criminal liability?
- International reciprocity of certification
- Will we see more use of the Hague Convention on Products Liability?
- Is there liability exposure for toxic fumes and radiation in commercial aircraft?
- What is the liability for the use of counterfeit parts?
Mark Harvey – Hugh James, Cardiff/London
- Mélanie Etienne – Airbus, Toulouse
- Christopher M. Odell – Arnold & Porter, Houston
- Steven Marks – Podhurst Orseck, Miami
- Carlos Villacorta Salís – BCV Lex, Madrid
11:00 – 11:30
Refreshment Break
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11:30 – 12:30
Liability of Governments for Aviation Accidents and Acts of Terrorism
- Sovereign Immunity
- The U.S. Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act and the Federal Tort Claims Act
- The U.S. Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act
- What will be the liability exposure of the U.S. should other nations enact reciprocal legislation?
- A look at KAL 007, Pan Am 103, the September 11, 2001, terror attacks, MH 17, Cuban Brothers to the Rescue, Iran Air 655, Ukraine Airlines 752
- Approach of different jurisdictions to the applicability of criminal prosecutions in the context of aviation disasters
- Criminal prosecution for the destruction of MH-17
- Will Saudi Arabia accept responsibility for September 11 the way Libya did for Pan Am 103?
- Military accidents and State aircraft issues
Prof. Dr. Ulrich von Jeinsen – Göhmann Lawyers, Hannover
- Megan Wolfe Benett – Kreindler & Kreindler, New York
- Kenneth P. Quinn – Clyde & Co, Washington, DC
- Christa Wijnakker – Beer advocaten, Amsterdam
14:00 – 15:00
Liability of Airports and ANSPs
- Airport operation risks, liability and insurance programs
- Challenges facing the modern airport, airport services and air navigation providers
- A new form of liability for airport operators: ethics and compliance
- Ground-handling liability and insurance
- Safety and security issues posed by drones
Isabelle Lelieur – Lelieur Avocat, Paris
- Isabelle Chiesa – Aéroport de Paris, Paris
- Milán Kohlrusz – Bittera Kohlrusz & Tóth, Budapest
- Laura Pierallini – Studio Pierallini, Rome
- Sébastien Saillard – Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty, Paris
15:00 – 16:00
Litigation Strategy: Procedural Tools
- Strategy in choosing venue, including choice of law, available damages and
access to witnesses and evidence - Strategic use of potential challenges to jurisdiction, including forum non
conveniens, removal to Federal Court and Montreal Convention restrictions - Discovery and evidentiary issues, including admissibility of government
investigations and criminal proceedings - Advantages, disadvantages and special issues in class action suits and
multidistrict litigation - Trial considerations: time to trial, cost, strategy and judge or jury trials
- Appeals
- Alternative Dispute Resolution
Louise-Hélène Sénécal – Air Canada, Montreal
- Stephan Eriksson – Astra Advokater, Stockholm
- Peng Lim – Liberty Specialty Markets, London
- Judy R. Nemsick – Holland & Knight LLP, New York
- Sarah Stewart – Stewarts, London
Gala Reception
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Gala Dinner / Dance
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Dance to the classic rock music performed by The Flying Outlaws, comprised of the following international aviation lawyers:
Paul Stephen Dempsey – Denver
Steven Marks – Miami
Urban Olson – Stockholm
Alan Reitzfeld – New York
Louise-Hélène Sénécal – Montreal
Saturday 22 April 2023
Day 2
08:00 – 09:00
Morning Refreshments
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09:00 – 10:00
Air Carrier Passenger Liability
- Review of recent court decisions on what constitutes accident and bodily injury
- Recovery for emotional and mental injuries
- Liability of passengers for incidents involving items/baggage falling out of overhead bins
- Medical emergencies in flight
- Review of recent court decisions on the scope of embarkation and disembarkation
- Liability for passenger-to-passenger assaults?
- Liability for occurrences that are not related to the operation of the aircraft
- Liability exposure of crew and/or air marshals who subdue an unruly passenger
- Impact of Montreal Protocol of 2014, which amends the Tokyo Convention of 1963, on liability issues surrounding unruly and disruptive passengers
Axelle Cartier – Aviation Consultant, Amsterdam
- Jean-Michel Fobe – Eutralex Srl, Brussels
- Sharon Holahan – Global Aerospace Inc., Morris Plains
- Urban Olson – Advokatfirman Urban Olson, Stockholm
- Darryl G. Pankratz – Alexander Holburn Beaudin + Lang LLP, Vancouver
10:00 – 11:00
Cargo Logistics and Liability in a Multimodal Environment
- From aircraft to road and sea: the changing nature of multimodal cargo logistics
- Contractual issues in the supply chain particularly with indemnities, litigation support, document availability and investigations involving several service partners and modal operators
- The drive to data and transparency in a multimodal logistical supply chain: what does the future look like?
- Key international and domestic cargo cases
Prof. Dr. George Leloudas – Swansea University, Swansea
- Lucy England – Fox Williams, London
- Sigrid Preissl – Bourayne & Preissl, Paris
- Roeland van Bockel – EU CEF FEDeRATED project , The Hague
11:00 – 11:30
Refreshment Break
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11:30 – 12:30
Government Regulation: Health and Consumer Protection
- Lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic
- Entry requirements
- Staffing issues
- Overlapping of air passengers’ rights regulations
- Accessibility
- The conflict between privacy and technology
Prof. Dr. Vincent Correia – Université Paris-Saclay, Paris
- Katharina de Rességuier – Arnecke Sibeth Dabelstein, Frankfurt
- Martine De Serres – Air Canada, Montreal
- Prof. Dr. Steven Truxal – Leiden University, Leiden
- James Wiltshire – IATA, Geneva
14:00 – 15:00
Aircraft Leasing and Finance
- Monitoring the Cape Town Convention – scoring compliance by member States
- The future of export credit and finance
- Expunging clogs in the title and other interventions: how the Irish High Court keeps watch on the Cape Town international registry
- Is the global aircraft trading system making a difference for aircraft lessees?
- A review of recent cases of enforcement of lessors’ and financiers’ rights and how lessors and financiers can draft provisions to help protect themselves
- Seizure and nationalization of foreign aircraft
- Sanctions
Prof. Dr. Donal Hanley – McGill University, Montreal
- David Bartlett – Apollo | PK AirFinance, Luxembourg
- Séamus O Cróinín – A&L Goodbody, Dublin
- Nitin Sarin – Sarin & Co., Chandigarh
- Serap Zuvin – Cakmak Law, Istanbul
15:00 – 16:00
Damages: Economic and Non-Economic
- Damage limitations under International Conventions and National law
- Economic damages: medical expenses, loss of income, loss of earning capacity, etc.
- Non-Economic damages: pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, loss of love and affection, loss of consortium and guidance, etc.
- Punitive damages
- Present value and interest issues
- Comparative fault and joint liability
- Use of experts
Clay Hunter – Paterson MacDougall LLP, Toronto
- Luiz Eduardo Arena Alvarez – Arena Alvarez Advogados, Sao Paulo
- Anna Anatolitou – Ince Gordon Dadds, London
- Stuart R. Fraenkel – Nelson & Fraenkel, Los Angeles
- Ulla Norrhäll – Munich Re, Munich
16:00 – 17:00
Settlement Negotiation and Emerging Insurance Issues
- Multi-jurisdictional settlements in complex international aviation litigation against multiple tortfeasors
- Thinking outside the settlement box: timing, discovery, mediation and choice of law
- Use of “Structured Settlements”
- Emerging insurance issues (e.g. acts of terrorism, conflict zones, missing commercial aircraft, cyber security, coronavirus)
Alan Reitzfeld – Retired Senior Partner, New York
- Robert Hedrick – Aviation Law Group, Seattle
- Christopher Kende – Hill, Betts & Nash LLP, New York
- Sophie Moysan – La Réunion Aérienne/La Réunion Spatiale, Paris
- Louise-Hélène Sénécal – Air Canada, Montréal
17:00 – 18:00
Roundtable Discussion
- Contemporary Issues in EU Law
- Litigation Strategy: Differences in Civil and Common Law Jurisdictions
Lionel Bros – Air France, Paris
- Prof. Philippe Delebecque – Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris
- Caroline Derache – HMN Partners, Paris
- Solenn Le Tutour – Le Tutour Avocats, Paris
- Dr. Arlette Tanga – University of Yaoundé II, Yaoundé
General Conference Information
Passport/Visa Information:
If you are visiting France, a valid passport is generally required. It is the responsibility of the visitor, before entering France, to ensure possession of the necessary documents, including those required to enter France or re-enter his/her own country.
Also, registrants may need to show proof of COVID vaccination or testing prior to travel to or from France.
PEOPIL members and McGill Graduates:
For PEOPIL members and McGill graduates, a discount of 10% on the registration fee is applicable. Please email the PEOPIL administrator for the coupon code.
Hotel Information:
For a list of hotels in the vicinity of the conference venue, please click here.