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Joint RTA & Whiplash and Tourism Conference in Malaga 2022

A highlight of the year for PEOPIL’s members of the RTA & Whiplash and Tourism Group took place in the beautiful city of Malaga, Spain on 3 – 4 November 2022. Spending a few days with PEOPIL friends and colleagues was a much needed escape for many of us who were eager for some sunshine as winter approached. We had plenty of catching up to do after the last couple of years where our face to face meet ups were sadly much curtailed.

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Looking back at Bucharest

The Conference for Central and Eastern European Lawyers in Bucharest has certainly been a success for PEOPIL.
An achievement which would not have been possible without the invaluable support of our Romanian colleagues who made every effort to make this event a unique example of lawyers exchanging knowledge and creating new opportunities.

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PEOPIL Copenhagen 2022 Annual Conference

This years’ Annual Conference was certainly one for the books: we welcomed many new members to our organisation, listened to inspiring and informative presentations from lawyers from all over Europe and beyond, elected new Executive and General Board members and… got to know each other even better!

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In memory of Josée van de Laar

On 2 September 2022, Josée van de Laar, who in everyday life was a lawyer and mediator with Beer advocaten in Amsterdam, passed away. She was a member of Peopil from its beginning and attended numerous conferences: the annual ones and many in a smaller setting, usually accompanied by her tree-tall Gerard.

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